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2023 Global Laser Display Technology And Industry Development Conference

Views: 45     Author: Fscreen     Publish Time: 2023-11-04      Origin: Fscreen

On September 19, the 2023 Global Laser Display Technology and Industry Development Conference was successfully held in Qingdao, China. In this forum, the laser display industry participated in this grand event, and enterprises from upstream and downstream of the industry chain gathered together to create a magnificent future for laser display.

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The unique charm of laser display products with large screen, high-end, intelligence and green is setting off a new round of consumption boom. Laser display is the light of the future and the mainstream of the industry. Now the scene is blooming and innovating again. The best era has arrived!

Scene Bloom brings a bright future to laser displays. A group of leading companies that have mastered key technologies, such as Hisense and Fscreen, will continue to explore and create, making laser display a bright business card for China's high-end manufacturing.

As the source manufacturer of Fresnel screens, the key upstream component of laser displays, Fscreen has always been at the forefront of the industry. We work side by side with leading companies such as Hisense Group and continue to lead the way, making large-screen projection displays truly an "alternative choice" for thousands of households.

Our "Fresnel optical screen" achieves "full coverage" of existing laser display products
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                  Fscreen Aura Series Fresnel Tri-Chroma UST Projection Screen  100'' & 120''

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                     Fscreen Iris Series Fresnel Tri-Chroma LT Projection Screen  100'' & 120''

From 75 inches to 100 inches, and then to 120 inches; from ultra-short throw Fresnel screen to long throw Fresnel screen technological breakthrough; from ultra-short throw Fresnel screen From thin hard screens to flexible frame screens, to magnetic rollable screens and electric lifting screens...
Fscreen products continue to cross technical barriers and size boundaries, constantly broaden the imagination of future light displays, and constantly explore more possibilities for large-screen display application scenarios. Our projection screens and laser displays work together to set off an increasingly rising trend of large-screen displays screen viewing upgrade craze.
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In 2023, Fscreen screen products will be upgraded across the board again. The comprehensive application of the self-developed OMNIS fifth-generation Fresnel optical screen technology marks the official arrival of the "three-color era" of projection display. Pfister's new generation of three-color screen products significantly increases the light energy utilization rate by 30%, and the adjustment of the projection light field becomes more and more sophisticated, presenting a more energy-saving, eye-protecting, more comfortable and better-looking projection picture to every viewer. The colorful world is perfectly reproduced before the eyes of the reader.
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Fscreen  is willing to work together with laser display industry partners!

Let us join to create the light of the future!

Product Inquiry




    Headquarter: No.9 Tianyu Road, Hi-tech District, Chengdu City,  Sichuan Province, 611731, China.
    Production Factory1 : No.9 Section 1, Qingshui Road, Shigao Street, Tianfu New District, Meishan City, Sichuan Province, China.
    Production Factory2 : No.2 Kangqiang Road, Pidu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, 611731, China.
  :+86-13018239017
  :Business Cooperation&Price Quotation :


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