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The Principle and Advantages of Fresnel ALR Projection Screen

Views: 5401     Author: FSCREEN     Publish Time: 2023-06-05      Origin: Site

Fresnel ALR(Ambient Light Rejection) projection screen is a high-performance projection screen specially designed for UST(ultra-short-throw projectors). It can effectively resist the interference of ambient light, improve the clarity and contrast of the picture, and bring users a shocking visual experience. This article will introduce the characteristics and advantages of Fresnel ALR projection screen from the aspects of principle, difference from other traditional projection screens, application scenarios, color reproduction, contrast, etc.


The principle of Fresnel ALR projection screen is to use the optical structure of Fresnel lens to reflect the light emitted by the projector to the direction of the viewer, while absorbing or scattering the ambient light from other directions, thus achieving the ALR effect. Fresnel lens is a thin lens composed of many concentric circles, which can focus parallel light to a point, or transform light from a point source into parallel light. The surface of Fresnel ALR projection screen is composed of many tiny Fresnel lenses, which can adjust the reflection direction according to the position and angle of the projector, so that the picture can be clearly visible at any angle .


    Difference from other traditional projection screens

Fresnel ALR projection screen has the following significant differences from other traditional projection screens (such as white plastic screen, glass fiber screen, metal silver screen, etc.):

  • High gain: Gain is the ratio of the intensity of reflected light from the projection screen to that from a white diffuse surface. The higher the gain, the brighter the picture. The gain of Fresnel ALR projection screen is generally around 4-6 times, while that of traditional projection screens is generally around 1-2 times. This means that Fresnel ALR projection screen can display clear and bright pictures in daylight or bright environments without closing curtains or lights.

  • High contrast: Contrast is the ratio of brightness between the brightest and darkest parts on the projection screen. The higher the contrast, the more delicate the picture. Fresnel ALR projection screen can effectively resist the interference of ambient light, so that dark details are not submerged, thus improving contrast. According to tests, the contrast of Fresnel ALR projection screen can reach more than 3000:1, while that of traditional projection screens is generally between 100:1 and 500:1.

    No bright spots, no ghosting: Bright spots are uneven bright points on the projection screen. Ghosting is double images or afterimages on the projection screen. These will affect the quality and viewing experience of the picture. Fresnel ALR projection screen uses a unique optical coating and composite metal substrate to reflect light evenly and avoid bright spots and ghosting.

    Light and portable: The thickness of Fresnel ALR projection screen is generally between 0.5 and 1 mm, thinner than a coin, and its weight is also reduced by more than 50% compared with traditional Fresnel hard screens. This makes Fresnel ALR projection screen can be curled or folded for easy transportation and installation, and also saves space. In addition, Fresnel ALR projection screen has a very narrow frame, with a screen ratio of more than 98%, almost reaching a full-screen effect.
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    Application scenarios

  • Fresnel ALR projection screen is very suitable for use in various scenarios due to its high gain, high contrast, no bright spots, no ghosting, light and portable features, such as:

  • Home theater: Fresnel ALR projection screen can be matched with ultra-short-throw projectors to create a large-screen visual experience of more than 100 inches, making home a private cinema. Whether it is day or night, whether it is watching movies or playing games, you can enjoy clear, colorful and realistic picture effects.

  • Business office: Fresnel ALR projection screen can be used in conference rooms, exhibition halls, classrooms and other business places to improve presentation and communication efficiency and quality. Whether it is in bright daylight or dim light, you can clearly display PPTs, charts, videos and other content to make audiences easier to understand and accept.

  • Mobile display: Fresnel ALR projection screen can be combined with portable projectors to achieve mobile display functions. Whether it is outdoors or indoors, whether it is on walls or floors, you can quickly set up a large-screen display platform for advertising promotion, cultural communication, entertainment interaction and other purposes.

    Color reproduction

  • Fresnel anti-light projection screen can ensure true color reproduction and make pictures more vivid and natural. This is because Fresnel anti-light projection screen uses high-quality materials and processes to achieve high reflectivity and transmittance. It can effectively retain the original color information emitted by the projector and avoid color distortion or deviation. In addition, Fresnel anti-light projection screen can also automatically adjust color balance and contrast according to different ambient light and viewing angles, so that the picture can maintain the best color effect in any situation.

    Through the above introduction, we can see that Fresnel anti-light projection screen is a projection screen with multiple advantages. It can be matched with ultra-short-focus projectors to create a large-screen visual experience of more than 100 inches, allowing users to enjoy clear, colorful and realistic picture effects. If you want to know more about Fresnel anti-light projection screen, please visit our website or contact us.

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    Production Factory1 : No.9 Section 1, Qingshui Road, Shigao Street, Tianfu New District, Meishan City, Sichuan Province, China.
    Production Factory2 : No.2 Kangqiang Road, Pidu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, 611731, China.
  :+86-13018239017
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